

Thank you for choosing to submit your manuscript to us!

Please check the guidelines below to make sure that your work would be a fit for us:
Genre: Fantasy/Historical/General Fiction/Science Fiction
Audience: 17+

- 80,000 - 120,000 words

- if it is part of a series, or intended to be, it is the first instalment

- completed, completely unpublished (including self-published) manuscripts. Your work should not be available online or have been made available for purchase previously

- we are not currently looking for short story collections

- we are not accepting works that contain, or have involved, any AI generated content in any capacity

What you need to submit:

- a query letter introducing yourself and your writing/publishing experience. Briefly outline the manuscript you're submitting with comp titles.

- a full synopsis that outlines the events of the entire novel. Max word count: 5,000 words.

- the first chapter of your manuscript. This should be free of typos and grammatical errors and should not be your first draft. Consider having other writers give feedback on your work before submitting it. In the case of extreme violence or themes, please also consider trigger warnings in your query letter.

Manuscript Submission

Terms and Conditions:

By submitting your manuscript through this form, you acknowledge that your work will be accessed and read by SkyNation Publishing staff. You also declare that you own all necessary copyright to submit this manuscript as your own work, and that no AI element has been involved in your work.

SkyNation Publishing acknowledges that authors retain full ownership of their work during the submission process. All work submitted through this form remains the property of the named author and will not be shared outside of the organisation nor used for any purpose beyond the consideration process for publishing.

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